Quiting my job _ part 1

Quiting my job _ part 1

On that special day, one of the last days of my annual leave I experienced the bliss and unique gift my holidays kept for me — the keys to open the gate to a more fulfilling, joyful, and purposeful life ahead. After being introduced to different spectrums of the...
Focus. On. Love.

Focus. On. Love.

Follow love. I forgot this fundamental instruction and remembered it again only several years later when I joined the coaching certification program in Portugal. The experience, the transformative energy I felt brought up this memory with Govinda, my first ashtanga...
Travel Guide – My Open Diary

Travel Guide – My Open Diary

Writing was always on my list as something I wanted to do. The reason was quite simple – I wanted to share my little stories, excitements, learnings, and new awarenesses with someone.  First I was thinking about creating the audience and only then starting to...
About Me, the journey behind

About Me, the journey behind

I am a discoverer, I am a creator. By discovering I create and by creating I discover. I started as everyone else – I was born. In my case this happened in a small town in Hungary, 40+ years ago. Later I went to school and I learned a lot about numbers, and...