Dreams into reality.
A space for musings, thoughts, and inspiration.

Travelling Inside

with Annamaria

There is a whole world within us.

The more we travel internally the more alive the external travels become.

Go within to go without.

Latest Musings

Quiting my job _ part 1

Quiting my job _ part 1

The nostalgic, romantic moment with myself, when I decided to leave a stable job to nurish my desire for freedom.

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Focus. On. Love.

Focus. On. Love.

Love is the ultimate guidance. In times of misery and pain, remember to focus on love.

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I am a discoverer, I am a creator. By discovering I create and by creating I discover.

I started as everyone else – I was born. In my case, this happened in a small town in Hungary, 40+ years ago.

I went to school, then joined the corporate world, bought my apartment, and had people, friends around me.

Until a point when I realized the emptiness inside me. 

Now I have restarted a great part of my life: job, country, people.

This time I have more awareness, consciousness, and tools in my hands to ride the waves.